blue dolphin beach 3

Moz Basics

Moz Basics


The mosquito that transmits malaria (female Anopheles) is not born with malaria - she has to feed on someone who has malaria before she is infected

• She feeds from evening till morning

Be very strict about applying repellents during this period

If you are infected - and have not taken any prophylactics - symptoms will appear around 10 days (aching body, sore joints, headache, vomiting, diarrhoea)

If you have taken prophylactics, symptoms can take up to 3 months to appear. Remember to tell your doctor you have been in a malaria area.

If you are still in Mozambique, go to clinic/ hospital for a test and take the medication supplied (normally a 3-4 day course)

Do not delay if you suspect you have malaria - it is fatal if left untreated!


    There are numerous  pharmacies in each town where malaria tests and medication may be obtained, along with any other medications you may need. If you lose your meds or leave them at home, go to the pharmacy with the name of the active ingredient and they will be able to give you a generic.


    There is a private clinic (Medico Esperanca) in Xai-Xai situated on the EN1 up the road from the Total garage (upper Xai-Xai)


    Dr Augustine can be contacted on +258 823 255 765

    blue dolphin29a


    The currency used in Mozambique is the Metical (pl. Meticais). The exchange rate changes often so please check the current rate the day before leaving SA.  

    It is not advisable to exchange money with the runners at the border. Firstly it is illegal and secondly your WILL get cheated out of your money - they have magicians hands!  

    Most shops accept rands and dollars but the rate varies from shop to shop. Please be more aware at petrol stations.  

    It is possible to draw cash from the ATMs in town with your SA Visa or Maestro bank cards.  

    Go to for today's exchange rate.